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What Were Prehistoric Teeth Like?

September 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 10:56 pm
Caveman in cave

In the Mesolithic Era, hunter-gatherers of the Croatian Peninsula foraged for starchy plants and caught fish for protein. They may have even used their teeth to remove scales from their catches. Scientists learned this by analyzing ancient teeth, where they found plaque containing microfossils of fish tissue and starch particles. These calcified bacterial deposits are now helping researchers understand the diet and lifestyles of our ancient ancestors. Here are some interesting facts from your dentist about what we can learn from ancient teeth.


What Are Some of the Most Common Dental Emergencies for Athletes?

August 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 10:23 pm
Smiling woman

Sports have many health benefits such as exercise, sunshine, and social interaction, but they can come with some pressing dental concerns, mainly the potential to cause an oral injury. Football, baseball, hockey, basketball, and soccer all involve a lot of flying objects and swinging elbows, and these can make an emergency dental appointment necessary if a blow is sustained to the mouth. Here are some of the most common dental emergencies among athletes along with some advice for preventing them.


Why Veneers Are Not Only for Hollywood’s Elite Anymore

July 11, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 9:32 pm
woman smiling with veneers in Arvada

Once upon a time, veneers were viewed as a service only the upper echelon of society could receive. Their unique materials and versatility to hide cosmetic imperfections made them a desirable treatment for many of Hollywood’s most elite clientele. However, times have changed, and now, virtually anyone can enjoy the benefits these custom tooth coverings can provide. Discover why veneers are no longer just for the rich and famous but are instead becoming one of the most popular cosmetic services available today.


How Long Do Same-Day Dental Crowns Take?

June 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 7:01 am
Same-day dental crown being milled

Dental crowns are one of the most popular styles of dental treatment, but for years they have had a pretty significant drawback—namely, that it takes several weeks for them to be crafted in a lab.

Same-day dental crowns have revolutionized the industry by allowing dentists to make use of this treatment without needing to wait for lab-produced restorations. They can be made in-office the day you show up, but if you’re wondering exactly how long that appointment would take, here’s what you should know.


Why Dental Implants Are Perfect For Athletes

May 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 5:31 pm
football player yelling

When you’re an athlete giving it your all, there’s always a concern that you could wind up with a dental emergency. In some cases, you may even lose a tooth in the pursuit of a win.

Once the dust has settled, you may find yourself shopping for tooth replacement options. You should try and find one that’s as strong as you are, and dental implants are the toughest you’ll find.

Here’s why athletes who’ve lost teeth can benefit from dental implants, and why they’re such an impressive method of tooth replacement.


Home Remedies for Toothaches That Actually Work

April 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 9:09 pm
someone holding their cheek and wincing

When you have a toothache, you probably want to do whatever you can to feel more comfortable. While calling your dentist for an emergency appointment is an important first step, that may still leave you with a few hours where you’re left to fend for yourself.

Thankfully, there are some home remedies that may be able to help you feel a little bit better. Here are a few examples.


How Can I Fix Small Teeth?

March 27, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 2:02 am

Smiling female patient looking in dentist’s mirrorThe size of your teeth can affect the appearance of your smile. Teeth come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which are partially influenced by your genetics. Some people have smaller teeth naturally, while others have excess gum tissue covering their surfaces. No matter the reason, your cosmetic dentist has 3 effective solutions to treat your gummy smile.


The Many Merits of Same-day Dental Crowns

February 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 8:16 pm
Same-day dental crown being milled

When you have a cavity or have just finished a root canal, it’s important to get relief as soon as possible. The most common restorative treatment for these conditions is a dental crown, which is a porcelain cap that can be placed over a damaged tooth.

Traditional crowns are made in lab, usually off-site, and can take weeks to be completed. However, many dentists now offer same-day dental crowns that can be completed in as little as two hours! If you want to learn more about the merits of same-day dental crowns, here are some of the things they can offer as a restorative treatment.


4 Facts you Might Not Know about Same-day Dental Crowns

January 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 6:42 pm
dental crown being milled in a CEREC machine

Dental crowns are one of the few dental procedures that are used for both cosmetic and restorative purposes, which speaks to their quality and versatility as a treatment. Within a few appointments, you can have a restoration that looks, feels, and behaves almost exactly like a natural tooth.

However, it gets better: many practices have begun using advanced milling machines to offer same-day crowns, which can be crafted in-office within hours. Here are some facts you might not know about same-day dental crowns.


New Year, New You: Resolutions for a Healthier Smile

December 14, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 8:09 pm
new year resolutions on journal

Like most people, you likely have a list of New Year’s resolutions that you plan on working through this year. However, you may still be brainstorming ways to increase your health and wealth in 2023. By choosing to make your resolutions about your oral health, you can easily create a win-win situation for your smile and wallet! In this blog post, you’ll learn a few ways to maintain optimal oral health all year long.

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