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4 Facts you Might Not Know about Same-day Dental Crowns

January 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 6:42 pm
dental crown being milled in a CEREC machine

Dental crowns are one of the few dental procedures that are used for both cosmetic and restorative purposes, which speaks to their quality and versatility as a treatment. Within a few appointments, you can have a restoration that looks, feels, and behaves almost exactly like a natural tooth.

However, it gets better: many practices have begun using advanced milling machines to offer same-day crowns, which can be crafted in-office within hours. Here are some facts you might not know about same-day dental crowns.

1. They Take Only Two Hours to Place

A normal dental crown will need to be crafted in a lab, meaning that you’d need to make multiple trips to the dentist several weeks apart. With one-day crowns, however, you can go from a cavity to having placed a dental crown within a single two-hour appointment!

2. No Need for Gooey Impressions

If you’ve gotten an oral appliance in the past, you might be familiar with the traditional method of making dental impressions, which involves biting into a bunch of goo to make a mold.

Same-day dental crowns use digital imaging, which means there’s no need to sink your teeth into anything unpleasant. And you can still be sure that your crown will fit perfectly!

3. They’re Made of the Same Durable Material

You might think that “fast” in this case could mean ”low-quality,” but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Same-day dental crowns are made of durable porcelain, which means they’ll be as strong and natural-looking as any other dental crown.

4. They Aren’t Right for Everyone

Same-day crowns are incredibly powerful, but there are some situations where traditional lab milling is more effective. For one, these machines can only make one crown or bridge at a time, so if you need multiple dental crowns, it may be better to get them from a lab.

The milling machines are also less capable of matching the color of your teeth exactly, so if you need a crown on your front teeth, they may also not be the best option.

As you can see, same-day crowns are able to produce incredible results faster and more conveniently than traditional methods. If you need a dental crown soon, it may be worth looking for a provider than offers same-day restorations.

About the Author

Dr. Jeramiah Paylor is a dentist who finds it immensely rewarding to give members of his community the gift of great oral health. Watching families and his community grow over time has been incredibly gratifying, and it motivates him to be his best every day. He’s also proud to make use of cutting-edge dental technology, including same-day crowns. Dr. Paylor received his doctorate from the University of Colorado, and he continues his education to this day.

If you have any questions about same-day dental crowns, he can be reached at his website or by phone at (720) 776-4900.

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