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West Arvada Family Dental Blog

5 Tips for Protecting Your Smile This Thanksgiving

November 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 1:59 pm
The words “Happy Thanksgiving” surrounded by food

When the time comes for the big Thanksgiving meal, it can be tempting to just eat whatever you want without restraint. However, if you want to protect your smile, then you need to be careful; a lot of the foods that are commonly served during Thanksgiving can potentially cause problems for your teeth. In order to maintain a healthy grin, be sure to follow these 5 tips from your preventive dentist at your Thanksgiving feast.


No Shame Smile: Here’s Why Dental Implants Are Nothing to Be Embarrassed About

October 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 6:07 pm
Patient with dental implants looking embarassed

For many people, losing a tooth can be a sensitive subject of conversation. But if you’re considering dental implants, you’re not alone—and there’s no reason to feel embarrassed! Dental implants are becoming an increasingly common way to replace missing teeth, with millions of patients already sporting them. If you’re still not convinced, continue reading. You’ll see why getting dental implants is nothing to feel self-conscious about and why they could be the perfect choice for you!


Home Remedies for Gingivitis

September 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 9:53 pm

Healthy gums compared to gingivitisDid you know that it’s not normal for your gums to bleed easily when brushing or flossing? Red, swollen, and bleeding gums are signs of gingivitis, which is the first stage of gum disease. With no treatment, gingivitis can lead to tooth loss and affect your general wellness negatively. Thankfully, gingivitis is easy to treat. Here are a few simple home remedies to restore your gum health.


Is Tooth Sensitivity a Dental Emergency?

August 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 4:53 pm

Woman experiencing tooth sensitivity from drinking waterDoes drinking a glass of cold water make you pucker your lips from tooth sensitivity? Maybe your discomfort has appeared suddenly? No matter the situation, sensitive teeth aren’t anything to ignore, but does it warrant a trip to your emergency dentist? Many factors can contribute to tooth sensitivity, some of which may require emergency care. Here’s what you need to know to determine if you can wait until your dentist’s next availability or if you need an appointment right away.


Why Teeth Go Yellow and How to Make Them Pearly

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 6:28 pm
Close up of a man’s pearly smile

A brilliant smile is often the focal point of conversation. That is, you might not be talking about it, but it’s probably one of the first things you’ll notice. It’s no surprise that many people wish they had whiter teeth, and it’s understandable if dental tarnishing keeps you up at night. Let’s put a stop to the tossing and turning by outlining what could be causing your chronic yellowing. Solutions are ahead, so be sure to keep reading!


Implanted Dentures: Are They Worth It?

June 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 9:22 pm
Older patient smiling with their implanted dentures

Dentures have long been a solution for patients missing multiple teeth, but their traditional models often come with challenges. Thankfully, modern dental technology has come a long way and has vastly improved them. Enter implant-supported dentures, a modern advancement that can transform your smile and your whole experience with denture prosthetics. But does attaching your dentures to dental implants really make that big a difference? Read on to explore implanted dentures and their numerous benefits.


Curative Care: How Long Does it Take to Heal Gingivitis?

May 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 3:28 pm
Yellow hourglass next to a large model tooth holding several toothbrushes

Have you noticed that your gums are darker and more tender or that there’s blood in the sink after brushing and flossing? These could be early signs of gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease. Recognizing these signs early allows you to schedule an appointment with your dentist to address it before it progresses into periodontitis. This more advanced stage can cause receding gumlines and can eventually lead to tooth loss.

Fortunately, it’s often preventable with an early diagnosis and the right treatment. But how long does it usually take to clear up once you’ve taken the right steps? If you’re curious, continue reading to find out!


Can Ignoring a Toothache Be Fatal?

April 2, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 7:34 pm
person with toothache holding their cheek

At times, you might experience a toothache, varying from a minor ache from a cavity to more severe pain. While some toothaches can be resolved easily with a filling, others might indicate a larger issue. But can ignoring these serious toothaches ever become dangerous enough to be life-threatening? Keep reading as we explore if toothaches can lead to serious problems and how your dentist can assist in addressing them.


Weathering the Years: How Aging Affects Your Smile’s Looks

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 11:39 am
A close-up portrait of a cheerful pensioner

It’s pretty well-known that your looks will change over the years. As you get older, you can expect new wrinkles, drooping cheeks, etc. Still, you may not grasp just how aging affects your smile’s appearance. Your grin will start looking weathered if you don’t take action. It could then hurt your confidence when you meet loved ones. That said, your Arvada dentist will help you avoid these outcomes. Here are the ways aging changes your grin and how cosmetic dentistry can help.


Balancing Work and Recovery: Tips After Dental Implant Surgery

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — westarvada @ 9:55 pm
Woman smiling at work after dental implant surgery

In today’s hustle and bustle of grind culture and high work ethics, the sentiment is that “time is money.” This often applies to patients who have just had dental implant surgery who just want to get back to work. However, while you may be eager to return to your nine-to-five, there are some considerations to be had for your oral health.

If you want to learn when you can go back to work after getting dental implants and how to recover faster, continue reading.

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